Professor, University of Maryland
Janet Chernela
My research among the Kotiria, one group of Eastern Tukanoan-speakers of the Brazilian Amazon, focuses on questions of language use; perceptions and use of forests in which they live; and articulations with state and international actors in matters of protected area legislation and human rights. In addition, I am director of a summer course to the Kayapo territories of Brazil, and founder, with its members, of the organization of urban indigenous women, AMARN/Numia Kura
Featured Publications
2018 With Ester Pereira. An End to Difference: Imagining Amazonian modernity at the dawn of the twentieth century. Journal of Anthropological Research. 74(1)10-3 n 1.
2016 With Laura Zanotti. A Win-Win Scenario? The Prospects for Indigenous Peoples in Carbon Sequestration (REDD) Projects in Brazil. InThe Carbon Fix: Global Equity and the New Environmental Regime, eds. S. Fiske and S. Paladino. Rutledge.
2015 Directions of Existence: Indigenous Women Domestics in the Paris of the Tropics. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 20(1)201-229. Available from
2014 Direções da existência: o trabalho de mulheres indígenas como domésticas na Paris dos Trópicos. Ensaios em Interculturalidade: Literatura, Cultura, e Direitos de Indígenas em Época de Globalização 1:71-102.
2013 Toward a Tukanoan Ethnolinguistics: Metadiscursive Practices, Identity, and Sustained Linguistic Diversity in the Vaupés Basin of Brazil and Colombia. In Upper Rio Negro: Cultural and linguistic interaction in Northwestern Amazonia, eds. Epps, Patience and Kristine Stenzel. Rio de Janeiro: Museu do Índio-FUNAI.
2011 The Second World of Wanano Women: Truth, Lies and Back-Talk in the Brazilian Northwest Amazon. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 21(2)193-209.
2003 Language Ideology and Women’s Speech: Talking Community in the Northwest Amazon. American Anthropologist 105(4)794-806